New Year Resolutions: 3 Ways CBD Can Help

If you're anything like us, coming out of the holiday season can feel a bit disorienting.
So many important aspects of our lives tend to take a back burner during this time, making it difficult to regain focus once the clock strikes midnight on December 31st.
As we celebrate the dawning of a new year, a collective momentum occurs that many people around the globe utilize as an opportunity to work towards their goals, many of which have been long since postponed due to the holidays.
The desire to achieve our objectives can feel strong during this time. Although January 1st is no different than any other calendar day, we can still take advantage of this feeling to make meaningful changes.
Momentum alone is not enough, however. To make it stick, you need the right tools.
We believe CBD can be one of them!
In this blog entry, we've chosen 3 common New Year Resolutions and how full spectrum CBD can help make them a reality.
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Goal #1: Get Healthier
For most of us, improving our health feels both appealing and daunting. Human being are complex, and living healthier can mean many different things to different people.
Regardless of your situation, CBD can be a useful tool.
Studies have shown that regular CBD use can improve sleep by potentially reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that may make it more difficult to fall asleep, or cause you to wake multiple times throughout the night.

By sleeping better, you will have more energy during your day to put towards your health . If your goals include getting more exercise, feeling well rested plays a critical role in having success.
Additionally, terpenes found in full spectrum CBD such as Limonene, Pinene and Terpinolene work together with cannabinoids to reduce inflammation and aid in muscle recovery. They can also alleviate pain caused by soreness.
Full Spectrum CBD oils, such as our Fresh Mint tincture, can be applied topically to affected areas, or consumed orally for a more general sense of bodily relief.
CBD can also help you gain strength and muscle mass. Regular use can act as an apatite stimulant, which can be very helpful when trying to eat at a caloric surplus in order to gain lean muscle.
If living a healthier life is something that resonates with you, consider giving full spectrum CBD a try in 2022.
Goal #2: Live in the Moment
With all that's going on in the world, and in our personal lives, it can feel so easy to be swept up in looking towards the future. Setting goals can be a helpful tool, but remembering to be present is also important.
Between work, family, hobbies and a myriad of other facets, our lives can become so full. The very same things that fill our cups and enrich our lives can also begin to stack up and cause feelings of overwhelming anxiety.
In these moments when life feels like a lot, full spectrum CBD can be very helpful.
The various combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes found in hemp come together to produce effects that can be calming, relaxing, and anxiety reducing.

In fact, CBD can act as a very useful aid in meditation. Due to its interactions with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), many find that using it regularly allows them to easier find their desired mental stillness.
Additionally, full spectrum CBD benefits from terpenes such as pinene and linalool, which have been know to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm.
Once your mind is at ease, you can begin to live more presently and help clarify your goals and what to prioritize.
With full spectrum CBD, you can help quiet the noise of every day life.
Goal #3: Try New Things
Human's are creatures habit. We appreciate the relative safety of routine, and at times can become stuck in a personal rut without even realizing it.
Sometimes, having the courage to try something new can make all the difference in your life.
By now, you've probably seen or heard about CBD and what it has the potential to help with. Issues such as:
- Insomnia
- Chronic pain
- Anxiety
- Inflammation
- Everyday stress
But despite your curiosity, you haven't given it a try yet.
Full spectrum CBD could be the most important tool available to you, but you'll never know until you give it a chance to show its many benefits.
Don't make the same mistake as so many others going in to this new year by only trying the same approaches again and again. Break away from the norm and dare to try something different, something that could change your life.

CBD comes in many forms. Smoke-able flower, delicious treats and candies, or high potency oil are all readily available both online and in stores. We encourage trying each one and finding the product that works best for you and your specific needs.
Seize this opportunity to break out of the box and try something new!
The only wrong choice when it comes to trying full spectrum CBD is not trying it at all.
Thank you for reading!
From our family to yours, we wish you a very happy New Year! Whether or not you have resolutions, we believe full spectrum CBD can help you have the best 2022 possible.
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